Monday, September 12, 2005

SUPPORT YOUR PUBLIC ADVERSARY. I’m rooting for Norman Siegel to win the Democratic nomination for Public Advocate in the upcoming primaries. Siegel’s main opponent is the current Public Advocate, Betsy Gotbaum, who recently tried to deride the scrappy Siegel by calling him “Public Adversary.” That expression is actually something of a high compliment considering that political insider Gotbaum often seems to act as Mayor Bloomberg’s doormat. Gotbaum doesn’t seem to realize that one of the key functions of the Public Advocate is to sue — not schmooze — city officials on behalf of the public. Bringing suits is right up Siegel’s alley. He’s had a long career as an activist lawyer fighting for civil rights and civil liberties.

After having Democratic party animals such as Gotbaum and Mark Green play politics as Public Advocate while letting others take the lead on those fundamentals, the city should see how Siegel would fare in the position. I’m sure Siegel would encounter much resistance from the entrenched, but he is a smart and energetic person who might well be up to the challenge. We could do worse than having him make a spectacle of himself trying to prod other city officials out of their complacency and power tripping, challenging them to be more responsive and responsible to the needs of the general public. These days it should be very clear how playing such a role can strengthen a city and even save lives in a crisis.

What do you think of Siegel? Are you excited about him or any other primary candidates?

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