I can't argue with the sentiment, but where's the funny? Don't you think a place called the Laugh Factory ought to be manufacturing better material, even when confronting the death of the man credited (by AP) with the following verse?
The opposite of pro is conSo feel free to take a shot at memorializing Nipsey in verse. ("Roses are red" poems are acceptable!) Here's a try:
That fact is clearly seen
If progress means move forward
Then what does Congress mean?
Roses are red,Need inspiration? Watch this video to see how the Monty Python gang jeers the Reaper.
Violets are blue.
Nipsey's not dead,
So the joke is on you.
Photo: David Marc Fischer
OK, this is less than 1 minute:
Nipsey's the best.
His poems were gold.
Nipsey's an old
game-show guest.
I meant that it took me a minute to think of my rancid rhyme.
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