Monday, February 20, 2006

CARTOON CAPTION/ANTI-CAPTION CONTESTS CONTINUE! California continues to command The New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest. The winner of Caption Contest #35 (snake wrapped around a woman in a living room scene) is Brian Diamond of Los Angeles with
“To be fair, Martha, you started it.”
Congratulations to Brian!

The crop of nominees for Caption Contest #37 (empty suit in front of a panel) include submissions from California and New York, but clearly the prize for cleverness should go to Stuart Spitalnic from Rhode Island for
"Are you now, or have you ever been?”
My loser was
"We find that this suit has no merit."
The new New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest begins here.

Over at Dan Radosh's Anti-Caption Contest #38 (dog dancing in living room scene), the winner is j-ha with the gory
"Sure, we tried to show our disappointment when Lucy skinned the dog and started dancing in its still-moist hide, but we were totally trying not to giggle. I mean, where does she come up with this stuff?"
My failed entry was the topical
"Here's to you, Fido--the next editor of New York Press!"
The new Anti-Caption Contest starts here.

In other caption-related news, Wonkette demonstrates how one can take a caption (in this case, the all-purpose "Christ, what an asshole.") and create a cartoon around it.

Image by David Marc Fischer using Samsung cameraphone

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