Please try again...and remember: MOMA's admission is outrageously pricey, but the museum can become a bargain if you go to the movies there, which are free with membership. Of course, it's a bargain partly because movie admissions are crazy high, too!
Wait a second, Dolph! I don't know where Naomi or Liviu live. I don't even know who they are! Let's stick to specifics for the less intimate, please. I do know, though, that it's not behind my parents' building. (Just having some fun Dolph, since I haven't a clue where this sculpture is.)
You're right. David and Naomi and I toiled in the same vineyards back in the Pleistocene epoch along with a woman named Debbie. Of course all of this is irrelevant to our current task. Is it Lincoln Center related?
I don't think it's any of the Lincoln Plaza places that Dolph mentioned, though he's getting warm. I don't know where Naomi and Liviu live, so take that into consideration. As for Lincoln Center itself, I think that might be a technical issue--meaning that, regardless, it's very warm.
Excellent, Debbie! It's Robert Moses Plaza, which is at Fordham University at Lincoln Center. The law school campus there is quite substantial, including a gallery (that housed a book cover exhibit not very long ago) and assorted works of outdoor sculpture. The notorious Nick Sylvester mentioned it in "Don't get caught napping," a hard-to-believe (or maybe it's just hard-to-understand) Village Voice article from last October.
Let's also give a hand to Dolph for zeroing in on the Upper West side fast and the Lincoln Center area a little later!
The sculpture at Robert Moses Plaza includes Masami Kodama's Circle World No. 2, subject of the first two pictures used in this challenge. You can view more of Kodama's art here.
The third image depicts the medallion of Robert Moses (I was wondering Debbie would guess Flo Ziegfeld) that is on the short column (if that's the right word for it) that identifies Robert Moses Plaza.
The fourth image is the sculpture Moses, by Larry Mohr. It is "Dedicated to and in Honor of the Catholics who helped Jews in the Holocaust."
Also in the sculpture garden are a 9/11 memorial (in honor of 39 women and men of Fordham University and more than fifty family members of Fordhamites) and the sizable sculpture Peter the Fisherman by Frederic Shrady. It's an unusual metal sculpture depicting an elongated Peter casting a net. You can see some of it in the background of the first photo above, but I've added another shot of it above. (There was a bird perched on the net, but I'm not sure it's visible.)
Warm? Warm!
First stab ... MoMA sculpture garden? I haven't been there since they abandoned Queens, and at $20 I don't think I will.
Please try again...and remember: MOMA's admission is outrageously pricey, but the museum can become a bargain if you go to the movies there, which are free with membership. Of course, it's a bargain partly because movie admissions are crazy high, too!
The sunlight on the right of the frame and the three large arches makes me feel like we're over by the West Side Hwy ... maybe in the 70's?
I'll guess between Battery Park City and the West Village.
Brrr! And on such a warm day, too!!
Maybe a little park/plaza in Washington Heights?
Is it on a Trump property?
I don't think so, but between you and Gary, you were getting pretty warm.
Maybe De Witt Clinton park betwen 11th adn 12th ave's and between 52nd and 54th?
Between you and Dolph, you're getting warmer!
Lincoln Plaza apartments or Lincoln Center Plaza, behind the building where Naomi and Liviu live.
Wait a second, Dolph! I don't know where Naomi or Liviu live. I don't even know who they are! Let's stick to specifics for the less intimate, please. I do know, though, that it's not behind my parents' building. (Just having some fun Dolph, since I haven't a clue where this sculpture is.)
You're right. David and Naomi and I toiled in the same vineyards back in the Pleistocene epoch along with a woman named Debbie. Of course all of this is irrelevant to our current task. Is it Lincoln Center related?
I don't think it's any of the Lincoln Plaza places that Dolph mentioned, though he's getting warm. I don't know where Naomi and Liviu live, so take that into consideration. As for Lincoln Center itself, I think that might be a technical issue--meaning that, regardless, it's very warm.
it's the that-guy plaza right near the hudson river!
You mean Thomas Marlo Plaza?
I think Scott means Marlo Thomas Plaza!
So is this turning into What Does Scott Mean? If so, how about Marjoe Gortner Plaza?
Actually, if you squint, the guy on the statue looks like Henny Youngman.
When I don't squint, he reminds me of Picasso but only in a superficial way.
Okay you had your day off. Now that I've posted another clue let's see you heat things up a bit!
Robert Moses Sculpture Garden, Fordham University at Lincoln Center? Whatever that is.
You have to realize, we don't get out much because we're busy googling for BAT's WWI.
Excellent, Debbie! It's Robert Moses Plaza, which is at Fordham University at Lincoln Center. The law school campus there is quite substantial, including a gallery (that housed a book cover exhibit not very long ago) and assorted works of outdoor sculpture. The notorious Nick Sylvester mentioned it in "Don't get caught napping," a hard-to-believe (or maybe it's just hard-to-understand) Village Voice article from last October.
Let's also give a hand to Dolph for zeroing in on the Upper West side fast and the Lincoln Center area a little later!
The sculpture at Robert Moses Plaza includes Masami Kodama's Circle World No. 2, subject of the first two pictures used in this challenge. You can view more of Kodama's art here.
The third image depicts the medallion of Robert Moses (I was wondering Debbie would guess Flo Ziegfeld) that is on the short column (if that's the right word for it) that identifies Robert Moses Plaza.
The fourth image is the sculpture Moses, by Larry Mohr. It is "Dedicated to and in Honor of the Catholics who helped Jews in the Holocaust."
Also in the sculpture garden are a 9/11 memorial (in honor of 39 women and men of Fordham University and more than fifty family members of Fordhamites) and the sizable sculpture Peter the Fisherman by Frederic Shrady. It's an unusual metal sculpture depicting an elongated Peter casting a net. You can see some of it in the background of the first photo above, but I've added another shot of it above. (There was a bird perched on the net, but I'm not sure it's visible.)
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