Thursday, June 15, 2006

Way above my head, I see the strangest sight:
That Honda on the roof--it wasn't there last night!
It's painted a bright pink, with question marks in sight.
Whoever got it there was surely very bright.
What does it mean, this Honda on the roof,
Up there without an engine, not a single wheel?
Who would have picked so curious a place
To park a pink automobile?
A weakly built rooftop would not sustain the weight.
But when the car went up, the roof--it held up great!
Whatever you might say, this odd, outlandish car,
Got famous overnight not moving very far!
Pink Honda on the roof,
A most unlikely sight,
It might not mean a thing,
But then again it might....

A pink Honda on a roof--sounds crazy, no?

But in Plainview-Old Bethpage, you might say every school has a Honda on the roof, somehow staying in place without rolling off or plummeting into a classroom.

It isn't easy to park a Honda on a roof. So you may ask: Why park a Honda on a roof if it's so difficult?

You park a Honda on the roof because there's a space available.

And just how do you park a Honda on a roof?

That I can tell you in one word: chutzpah!

Photo: David Marc Fischer

1 comment:

David Marc Fischer said...

Psst! Your experience of this post will be significantly enhanced if you click on the links and sing the lyrics to the melody of "Fiddler on the Roof." Enjoy!