I'm going to guess Sunnyside Garden at 13th St. between A and B. I think Scott was referring to the garden on 5th and B so I hope I'm not stepping on his toes, funny as they may be.
Debbie, Scott can let you know how hot or cold your guess about his guess is...but, in terms of Where I Was, your guess is cooler than your guess about his guess.
Why so quiet? We have jobs and families and get out more. Like to see the 100 Tubas in the World Financial Center last weekend... which was not a bomb. It was very cool.
David: I'm glad you dug the tubas--the LBU rules!! Otherwise, I'm sorry you've gotten so busy. I hope you'll soon be able to once again give this the attention it deserves. It's really very simple: Just make your life revolve around it. Everything else will fall into place.
Debbie and Scott: Just because East Houston was cooler doesn't mean it'd be worthless to explore that direction.
I think I'm going in the wrong direction, but it does look like you are in a community sculpture garden and there is Gilbert's Sculpture Garden 8th street bet. Aves. C & D, so are you there?
Escott, no comprende? Is it the language barrier? I think David has insinuated repeatedly that it is BELOW 5th St. Am I right in this assumption, David? I think you're on 3rd or 4th streets. But are you west of B?
Let's hear it for Scott! Lately he's had a tough time ascertaining my location to my satisfaction, but this time it was different. He came close with his very first guess (actually, the very first guess) and, days later, finessed the matter by correctly identifying my location as the KenKelaba Sculpture Garden, the northern plot of the land identified on this map as KenKeleba House.
This plot of land is located in Alphabet City between Avenues B and C and Streets 2 and 3. After entering the garden plot on East Second Street, you can follow a path to the area where the sculptures can be found.
In the sculpture garden you'll find a variety of artistic styles and materials. On the Internet, you'll tend to find the same images from the sculpture garden over and over again. In fact, just before I started this go-round I found this Flickr set via Gothamist.
that garden on avenue b?
Great Scott! You're warm!
maybe it's east houston?
Cooler. Don't fear the heat!
I'm going to guess Sunnyside Garden at 13th St. between A and B. I think Scott was referring to the garden on 5th and B so I hope I'm not stepping on his toes, funny as they may be.
Debbie, Scott can let you know how hot or cold your guess about his guess is...but, in terms of Where I Was, your guess is cooler than your guess about his guess.
debiquita i am so toetally sorry your sure-fire winner guess was... what's that word?... wrong!
meanwhile, my more specific guess is:
the community garden on 6th and b, the one with the trash tower
Scott, your guess is warmer than Debbie's own guess. but cooler than Debbie's guess about your guess.
Ha! So my guess of your guess, Scottie, is better than your own guess!
5th Street Garden? Related to the InterActivist Network? Could there be any more gardens in that vicinity?
And btw, where's Gary? Whatever happened to Dave? Why is Dolph so quiet?? And what about BETH??? Where is everyone?
Broadway, opening night of Rosie O'Donnell's revue?
Why so quiet? We have jobs and families and get out more. Like to see the 100 Tubas in the World Financial Center last weekend... which was not a bomb. It was very cool.
ummmm.... nice guess dave!
lower east side ecology center, 7th between b and c?
Boy Ben: Funny...yet cold!
David: I'm glad you dug the tubas--the LBU rules!! Otherwise, I'm sorry you've gotten so busy. I hope you'll soon be able to once again give this the attention it deserves. It's really very simple: Just make your life revolve around it. Everything else will fall into place.
Debbie and Scott: Just because East Houston was cooler doesn't mean it'd be worthless to explore that direction.
Are you at the village view houses (between First and A and between 6th and 4th)?
Nope--the temperature is basically unchanged.
Hmmm, I guess I'll try to determine if you are in the east village, alphabet city, or the lower east side by guessing, "Are you in the LES?"
I think I'm going in the wrong direction, but it does look like you are in a community sculpture garden and there is Gilbert's Sculpture Garden 8th street bet. Aves. C & D, so are you there?
LES: cold.
Community sculpture garden: warm, at the very least.
Gilbert's Sculpture Garden 8th street bet. Aves. C & D: cooler.
Okay here's my last E. Village garden guess: 3rd Street Community Residents Association Garden?
No, sorry. If you give me a more specific location, I'll see if I can give you a heat assessment.
yeah, debbie-do, specifics please.
here's my guess: el jardín del paraíso
4th between c and d?
My guess was on 3rd between C and D.
You do realize, David, that there are like 5,000 community gardens in the East Village, yes?
Yeah, and Scottie-do? Way to impress with the accents! Maybe next you can figure out where the caps go.
Scott: No, sorry!
As for the heat assessment...it's warmish.
Debbie: I have to admit that this WWI is totally raising my consciousness about the density of gardens and the like in some parts of the Big Apple.
Everybody: In this situation, I think it might be best to take a cue from clues one and two and use a Battleship strategy.
quizás es fifth street slope garden, 5th between b and c
Escott, no comprende? Is it the language barrier? I think David has insinuated repeatedly that it is BELOW 5th St. Am I right in this assumption, David? I think you're on 3rd or 4th streets. But are you west of B?
Yes, you're right in that assumption, Debita. And no, I'm not west of B.
How about that Argentina team in the World Cup?
podría ser tu pueblo batey? en la 4th entre b y c?
noonoo is not able to post a comment
No, pero caliente.
noonoo says hi
The Winner's Circle Garden? 4th between B and C.
I take it Argentina won, then. Fantastico!!
Winner's Circle Garden? Is there anything in that part of the city that isn't a garden?
It's quite likely the warmest guess so far.
Argentina won yesterday, but it's still got a way to go....
are you east of Ave. C?
C? No.
I'm going to go way out on a limb here and say The Earth School on the corner of 4th and B.
Be careful--that limb is too high!
La Plaza Cultural also known as La Plaza Armando Perez at E. Ninth St. and Avenue C.
Are you south of 4th St?
wait... argentina won?
my guess: all people's garden, 3rd street, between avenue c and avenue d.
KenKeleba House Sculpture Garden, between 2nd and 3rd streets, bewteen b and c.
Let's hear it for Scott! Lately he's had a tough time ascertaining my location to my satisfaction, but this time it was different. He came close with his very first guess (actually, the very first guess) and, days later, finessed the matter by correctly identifying my location as the KenKelaba Sculpture Garden, the northern plot of the land identified on this map as KenKeleba House.
This plot of land is located in Alphabet City between Avenues B and C and Streets 2 and 3. After entering the garden plot on East Second Street, you can follow a path to the area where the sculptures can be found.
The webpage for the KenKeleba House Sculpture Garden at the East Village Parks Conservancy website describes the entry garden as "overgrown and undeveloped" but based on my recent visit I think that's overly negative.
In the sculpture garden you'll find a variety of artistic styles and materials. On the Internet, you'll tend to find the same images from the sculpture garden over and over again. In fact, just before I started this go-round I found this Flickr set via Gothamist.
As I mentioned previously, this contest raised my awareness of how many gardens can be found in Alphabet City and the Lower East Side. It also raised my awareness that many of the city's gardens are endangered.
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