Tuesday, August 01, 2006

CHILLING OUT. When I was little I learned an amazing method to cool someone off on a hot day. It involved reciting a simple poem while performing a series of simple actions on the other person's back.

Here is the amazing cool-off formula, with the actions dictated in parentheses.
X marks the spot (lightly "draw" a big X on the person's back with a finger)
With a dash and a dot ("draw" a horizontal dash and a dot below it)
With a dash and a dot (repeat)
And a biiiiiiig question mark. ("draw" a biiiiiiig question mark)

Swish up, swish down, (lightly brush at least one finger up and down spine)
Swish up, with a squeeze... (brush at least one finger up spine, then lightly squeeze neck)

Swish up, swish down, (brush at least one finger up and down spine)
And a cool ocean... (blow softly on neck)
I found another version of this on "Page 15" of this HTML document.

And here's another version.

I believe that the widespread practice of this routine could significantly reduce the need for air conditioning during heat waves. Take note, Con Edison!

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