There's a plaza in LA that has similar sprinklers only they shoot up randomly and it's a challenge to get across without one of the sprinklers suddenly shooting up.
Wait, did i just read it has been established that it is in Manhattan? hmmm, I guess then my queens guess was rather dumb, but they do have at this mall one of those interactive fountains that Debbie mentioned in case on one of these hot days you want to cool off.
David, I hope you know my complaints are only in jest. I know I'm clueless, I know I'm not the "champ" anymore (and, really, I'm totally good with that), and I appreciate the thought and effort you put into this for our amusement.
But, when I'm not having any fun with the guessing, you've got to allow me a little fun with the teasing!
The fountain in Worldwide Plaza is a traditional fountain with a statue in the center.
This looks like new construction at Hudson River Park, which is more west(closer to LA) than Javits/11th Ave. Pier 84! I went over there a couple months ago when the fountains weren't on yet, but I really like the new park.
What are the lights in the background? are you facing west towards NJ or east back towards Manhattan?
Debbie once again amazed by coming very close with the, um, hardscape by the Javits Center and (I think) recognizing the type of fountain. But then the guessing went a little haywire. I actually changed my plans and used the fourth picture to underscore that this was indeed a dancing waters fountain such as the one Debbie and Gary described. Maybe that was unnecessary; at any rate, the next photo would've been the bonus photo, which (I think) would've helped seal the deal for Myra--but would anyone else have recognized the buildings by the pier? Maybe....
You might've noticed that the pictures were taken during the day and at night. I wasn't planning emulate an Ed Wood movie--it's just that I was at the fountain twice in recent weeks.
The first time was at night. A group of people (visitors from Asia?) stood at the perimeter of the dancing waters and periodically dashed across. A dog played in the water, too, though signs prohibiting canine play have since gone up. (There's a dog run nearby, though.)
It looked like a ton o' fun, so I wanted to find a way to share it with you. Taking "bird's eye view" shots of the spray was something of a challenge, as it had the potential of looking like a early film gag or vaudeville act.
If the weather ever goes back to being hot and dryish (likely considering global warming), the "dynamic water display fountain" at Pier 84 could be a fun destination for those who enjoy that kind of thing. The sooner the better--knowing New York, it could get kind of crowded as more people learn about it.
A spotlight by a fountain in Manhattan?
Warm, Debbie!
orbitting the Death Star?!?
In that little plaza area behind the Lincoln Plaza Cinemas?
Myra and Scott, your guesses are both good...but Scott is warmer.
The hardscape plaza across from the Javits Center on 11th Avenue?
What... are you CRAZY, Debbie?!!
My guess: 28th Street between Madison and Fifth.
In the gutter.
Above 59th Street?
Wow--such thoughtful guesses!
I've been in all those places, of course...but, in this particular challenge, Debbie is the warmest so far. Whatever "hardscape" may be....
The plaza behind New World Stages in Worldwide Plaza between 8th and 9th avenues and 50th Street?
Which is, of course, another hardscape...
Cooler, Debbie.
You know, I always thought that Papillon had a hardscape.
The playground in Rockerfeller Park, downtown by the river?
Brrrr, Scott--cold.
But thanks for keeping things going!
Pier 51 playground?
There's a plaza in LA that has similar sprinklers only they shoot up randomly and it's a challenge to get across without one of the sprinklers suddenly shooting up.
Debbie, you've been much warmer than Pier 51. In a way, that LA plaza is the warmest guess so far--and not just because of the SoCal climate!
Brooklyn Museum?
I know we said Manhattan already, but I'm confused.
Broklyn Museum?
Frigid, champ!
the sprinklers in battery park?
Sorry, Emma--no Battery is included in this challenge!
Behind the Museum of Natural History?
Noo, noonoo--too close to Manchester!
The Atlas Park Mall fountain in Queens?
Wait, did i just read it has been established that it is in Manhattan? hmmm, I guess then my queens guess was rather dumb, but they do have at this mall one of those interactive fountains that Debbie mentioned in case on one of these hot days you want to cool off.
Well, Gary, you've just about said it feel free to guess again.
And welcome back!
Outside Castle Clinton?
Sorry, Scott--too close to Whale Square!
NOW it's obvious! Why didn't you show us this picture before? Oh, pretty much did...TWICE!
I'm going to guess Columbus Circle even though it doesn't look anything like it, but it's the only WET Design fountain I could find in Manhattan.
Debbie, I think you might be the John McEnroe of this little game. I'm doing my best to help, really I am.
I think it'd be useful to review the guessing so far. It appears to have gone awry, but I don't understand why.
David, I hope you know my complaints are only in jest. I know I'm clueless, I know I'm not the "champ" anymore (and, really, I'm totally good with that), and I appreciate the thought and effort you put into this for our amusement.
But, when I'm not having any fun with the guessing, you've got to allow me a little fun with the teasing!
Is it near the West Side Highway?
The fountain in Worldwide Plaza is a traditional fountain with a statue in the center.
This looks like new construction at Hudson River Park, which is more west(closer to LA) than Javits/11th Ave. Pier 84! I went over there a couple months ago when the fountains weren't on yet, but I really like the new park.
What are the lights in the background? are you facing west towards NJ or east back towards Manhattan?
Myra! Quick! State it clearly because you're probably right and I would hate for you to lose it to the swooping Scott, again!
Is it on the east side of Manhattan?
Let us all welcome Myra to the winners circle!
I was at the new "programmed interactive fountain" at Pier 84. It's not far from the Circle Line.
Debbie once again amazed by coming very close with the, um, hardscape by the Javits Center and (I think) recognizing the type of fountain. But then the guessing went a little haywire. I actually changed my plans and used the fourth picture to underscore that this was indeed a dancing waters fountain such as the one Debbie and Gary described. Maybe that was unnecessary; at any rate, the next photo would've been the bonus photo, which (I think) would've helped seal the deal for Myra--but would anyone else have recognized the buildings by the pier? Maybe....
You might've noticed that the pictures were taken during the day and at night. I wasn't planning emulate an Ed Wood movie--it's just that I was at the fountain twice in recent weeks.
The first time was at night. A group of people (visitors from Asia?) stood at the perimeter of the dancing waters and periodically dashed across. A dog played in the water, too, though signs prohibiting canine play have since gone up. (There's a dog run nearby, though.)
It looked like a ton o' fun, so I wanted to find a way to share it with you. Taking "bird's eye view" shots of the spray was something of a challenge, as it had the potential of looking like a early film gag or vaudeville act.
If the weather ever goes back to being hot and dryish (likely considering global warming), the "dynamic water display fountain" at Pier 84 could be a fun destination for those who enjoy that kind of thing. The sooner the better--knowing New York, it could get kind of crowded as more people learn about it.
Myra, I was facing eastish with the first "lights" photo. The bonus photo is a southish view, I think.
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