Also last week, Emdashes posted another fun interview, this time with Contest 99 winner David Wilkner.
Davids had won Caption Contests 99 and Caption Contest 100, but that "streak" came to an end with Caption Contest 101 (man in suit talking with priest, cop, and fireman on ledge), won by
"Excuse me—does this joke need a lawyer?"So Oregon now has two winners, both from Erics from Portland.
Eric Friedenwald-Fishman (Portland, OR)
There's something funny about the nominees for Caption Contest 103 (birdwatchers observing bird wearing "truss"). The nominee
"It's a thongbird"is a lot like Anti-Caption Contest 103 finalist
Sandy Sommer (St. Louis, MO)
"No, theriouthly, it'th a thongbird. With a T."The other nominees in Caption Contest 103 are
Trout Almondine
"The Speedo would suggest that he's not native to Vermont."They are also very similar to Anti-Caption submissions. My loser:
Melissa Muntyan (Tampa, FL)
"Honey, do you have any dollar bills?"
Kester Wise (San Francisco, CA)
"They're usually seen at Gay Pride parades."
The winner of Anti-Caption Contest 104 (cops driving by two "angels" drinking on the sidewalk amidst clouds):
"It's a shame that the horrific warehouse fire had to ruin our annual municipal employees costume party."My losers:
"Oh crap."
"They're here in case all hell breaks loose."
"Take us in? Only when heaven freezes over!"
"Oh, right--the Republican convention meets here this week."
"On Earth I was a female 'protagonist' in a boardroom scene drawn by Victoria Roberts. And now...this? I just don't get it!"
Caption Contest 105 is here. Anti-Caption Contest 105 is here.
Here is the current New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest breakdown by state. You can find it all mapped out here.
17 CaliforniaMap Introduction
15 New York (13 from the Big Apple)
9 New Jersey
6 Massachusetts
6 Pennsylvania
4 Connecticut (two from New Haven, two not)
3 Georgia (includes two-time winner Carl Gables)
3 Illinois
3 Maryland (none named Mary)
3 Minnesota (Minneapolis 2, St. Paul 1)
3 North Carolina
3 Ohio
2 District of Columbia
2 New Hampshire
2 Oregon (both named Eric, both from Portland)
2 Rhode Island
2 Texas
2 Utah
2 Virginia
1 Alabama
1 Arizona
1 Florida
1 Iowa
1 Kentucky
1 Mississippi
1 Missouri
1 Nevada
1 New Mexico
1 Oklahoma
1 Vermont
1 Washington
Thanks to Andriy Bidochko for Map Builder.

Image by David Marc Fischer using Samsung cameraphone
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