Here, straight from Loser's Lounge Central, is the lineup for the Serge Gainsbourg tribute at Joe's Pub at 7:00 and 9:30 on Saturday.
Michael CerverisAnd here's must-see footage of a performance of Gainsbourg's Comic Strip. Can you identify at least one of the two singers?
Ed Rogers & Amanda Thorpe (Bedsit Poets)
Pierre De Gaillande (Melomane)
Kerry Kennedy
Kristofer Wydholm (Morex Optimo)
Sean Altman & Sue K
Patti Rothberg
Boshra Alsaanti (Looker)
Nick Danger
Joanna Choy
Lianne Smith (7:00 pm only)
Joe Hurley
Stan Harrison
Mike Fornatale
Flaming Fire
Adira Amram (9:30 pm only)
Source (1:22)
Illustration: Cliff Mott
I love that video! Claude Francois and Jodie Foster! (YouTube took down my favorite video of his, "Belinda.")
Thanks--I noticed it a while ago and thought it was time to share it!
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