Monday, January 21, 2008


The winner of Caption Contest 127 (Drew Dernavich's ice fishing through the outline of a human figure) is
"I put some beer on the hook. I figure if that's what got him into this mess it should be able to get him out."
Kea Wheeler (Westland, MI)
That's the second win for Michigan!

In Caption Contest 129 (Leo Cullum's hospital scene with man in deep-sea diving suit), the nominees are Big State—and everyone has the same first name! What are the odds, I ask ya?
"I wanted you to meet our colon specialist before we miniaturized him."
Thomas Fox (Houston, TX)

"Actually, the preferred term is 'adventure surgery.'"
Thomas Tavis (San Francisco, CA)

"Well, you are sixty per cent water."
Tom Fitzgibbon (New York, NY)
My loser is kinda cute, I think:
"It's time for your bathysphere."

In Anti-Caption Contest 130 (P.C. Vey's person inside of a snowman), the winner is:
"Keep moving Billy so mommy knows you're O.K."
reid savid
My losers:
"I would rather have no man than a you can understand why I'm looking forward to Spring!"

"Look--he's coming to! Now he's really going to regret answering that threesome ad on craigslist!"

"You know what's really weird? I can't see any steam coming out of my mouth."

"Oh look--he's about to fall over! How cute is that? How cute is that?"

"I think he's conducting 'Frosty the Snowman.'"

"It is cold today."
I also made this late addition:
"Look out! He is trying to catch a pass from Brett Favre!!"
Maybe I should've mentioned No Pants.

Caption Contest 131 is here. Anti-Caption Contest 131 is here.


Here is the current New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest breakdown by state. You can find it all mapped out here.
20 California
20 New York (17 from the Big Apple)

10 New Jersey

6 Massachusetts
6 Pennsylvania
6 Virginia (three from NOVA, two from Richmond, one from Charlottesville)

5 Connecticut (two from New Haven, three not)
5 Illinois (four from Chicago—two captions by Lawrence Wood, two drawings by Leo Cullum)

4 Maryland (none named Mary)

3 Georgia (includes two-time winner Carl Gables)
3 Minnesota (Minneapolis 2, St. Paul 1)
3 North Carolina
3 Ohio
3 Texas

2 District of Columbia
2 Florida
2 Michigan
2 Mississippi
2 Missouri
2 New Hampshire
2 Oregon (both named Eric, both from Portland)
2 Rhode Island
2 Utah
2 Vermont

1 Alabama
1 Alaska
1 Arizona
1 Delaware
1 Iowa
1 Kentucky
1 Nevada
1 New Mexico
1 Oklahoma
1 Washington
Map Introduction

Thanks to Andriy Bidochko for Map Builder. MyMaps at

Image by David Marc Fischer using Samsung cameraphone

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