As usual, it's someplace in NYC. Anyone can play—just leave your guesses in the
comments section, using a distinct moniker so you aren't confused with
the other players, such as Debbie and Deborah. And remember: The more you guess, the more clues you get.
Photo: David Marc Fischer
Roosevelt Island?
That's not it, Deborah, but thanks for checking in!
The Bronx?
Hi, Debbie! That's not quite right either.
Randall's island?
Randall's is warmer than Roosevelt, Deborah, but it's still not where I was this time!
Not Queens, Deborah!
Were you standing in Manhattan while overlooking the Bronx?
Yes, Debbie, you're warm!
High Bridge Park?
Great swoop, Ellen! You've found me!!
Bonus point to the first person to correctly guess precisely where I thought I was (which is where I might've been--I'm just having doubts) and how it's timely.
The old polo grounds??? First home for the Mets?
Well-played, Ellen! I thought I was on Coogan's Bluff, which overlooked the Polo Grounds, former site of the Giants and then the Mets during the team's first years. Like Shea Stadium, the Polo Grounds are no more.
If someone can show me that I was way off, that person gets a point. But I'm pretty sure that I was indeed on Coogan's Bluff.
Hmmm. I wonder if Coogans Restaurant/Bar on 169th Street gets its name as did the bluff from the former BP of Manhattan in 1898?
Let me know what you find out, Ellen! ;)
Haha! Just what I need, an excuse to go to a bar!
And who knows what they'd tell you there? (Sorry: No bonus point for the answer to that one.)
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