Friday, October 07, 2005

THE GUGG GETS YEVTUSHENKO. Way back on December 5, 2002, I recalled how Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko's "dramatic, incantatory readings made me realize just how powerful a poetry recital could be, integrating poetics with singing and dramatics. Suddenly I had a much better idea of how classical poets had worked their magic."

Soon there'll be another chance to hear Yevtushenko work his magic in New York. He'll be at the Guggenheim Museum on Tuesday, October 25, at 6:30 pm. Admission is $10 for non-members. I have no idea how he is reading these days, but I'd guess that this is still a great opportunity to hear one of the great readers do his thing — in Russian and in English.

Here's a recent Yevtushenko poem, written after this summer's subway bombings in London.

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