Thursday, September 15, 2005

NEXT TIME ASK ME YOURSELF, MIKE. We're all familiar with the concept of prank phone calls. But is there such a thing as a prank phone answer? The following is a recreation of an actual, real-life call I received this evening.

CALLER: Mike Bloomberg asked me to call you to ask you one question.

ME: Who asked you to call me?

C: Mike Bloomberg.

B: Mike Bloomberg? Do I know him??

C: He's the mayor of New York.

B: Mike Bloomberg's the mayor of New York?

C: Yes.

B: New York State or New York City?

C: New York City.

B: Who's the mayor of New York State?

C: There is no mayor of New York State. There's a governor.

B: Who's the governor of New York City?

C: Hillary Clinton?

B: [chuckling] I'm sorry. I'm pulling your leg. But Hillary Clinton is not the governor of New York City...

C: [click]
I do feel bad for the caller.

Photo: David Marc Fischer

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