Thursday, December 08, 2005

RHETORICAL QUESTION. The Boston Globe's Suzanne C. Ryan opens her Mike Wallace interview with a provocative exchange:
Q. President George W. Bush has declined to be interviewed by you. What would you ask him if you had the chance?

A. What in the world prepared you to be the commander in chief of the largest superpower in the world? In your background, Mr. President, you apparently were incurious. You didn't want to travel. You knew very little about the military. . . . The governor of Texas doesn't have the kind of power that some governors have. . . . Why do you think they nominated you? . . . Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that the country is so [expletive] up?
Consulting the Bush Magic Eight-Ball on this one, Blog About Town came up with the following:
It's God's will.
That would be consistent with the information in this Village Voice article from 2004.

Thanks to Romanesko for the lead.

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