As for Caption Contest #74 (two men look into dirt-floored room where hand seems to be gesturing in the ground), the winner is
"Of course, the current tenant will be gone before the first of the month."This win extends the East Coast streak and boosts New Jersey out of a three-way tie to give it sole claim to the third place position with seven victories--right behind California and New York!
Stephen Gelb (Teaneck, NJ)
In Cartoon Contest #76 (two Native Americans--one with warhead on arrow--surveying fort from a cliff edge), the nominees are from the states in the top two positions:
"It better work—they sold it to us."My loser:
Paul Denning (San Francisco, CA)
"Our medicine man went to M.I.T."
William Bildersee (New York, NY)
"If this doesn't work, push that boulder and run like hell."
Cynthia Rogers (Palo Alto, CA)
"Are you sure they like surprises?"
In Anti-Caption Contest #76, the winner is RichM with
"Of course I'm upset. Their people killed the herds of bison for sport, stole our land, and wiped out entire tribes with smallpox."
In Anti-Caption Contest #77 (man and boy watching Amazing Colossal Woman at Chevrolet plant), the nominees are
"That's it! Our new slogan will be, 'See the USA in our gigantic snatch!'"My losers:
"Remember, Bobby, all women are monsters."
"Isn't mommy beautiful, son? Even though I know I'm in the asylum, as I have been every day of my life since you and her were killed in that horrible fire at the Chevrolet plant, the fact that you come and visit me every night makes it all worth while. And now mommy can come too. And the three of us will be together again, just like in the old days. And you'll never have to grow old like me. And mommy will be as luminous as she was the day we first met. In her white silk dress. We'll take a walk every night on the beach, as a family, with the sun in our faces. That is, until morning arrives, when the real sun comes up and lets in all the darkness."
David John
"Son, I think you're about to get a lesson in coprophilia. Or carprophilia. Or auto-eroticism."
"What that car needs is a nice, thick cream topping. And I'm just the man to take care of that!"
"Do you think the Amazing Colossal Woman will notice Invisible Girl on my left?"
"Mother only likes domestic models."
Caption Contest #78 is here. Anti-Caption Contest #78 is here.
Here is the current New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest breakdown by state. You can find it all mapped out here.
12 CaliforniaMap Introduction
10 New York (9 from the Big Apple)
7 New Jersey
6 Massachusetts
6 Pennsylvania
3 North Carolina
2 Connecticut (both women, both from New Haven)
2 District of Columbia
2 Georgia
2 Illinois
2 Maryland (both women, neither named Mary)
2 Minnesota
2 New Hampshire
2 Texas
2 Utah
1 Arizona
1 Iowa
1 Mississippi
1 Missouri
1 New Mexico
1 Ohio
1 Oklahoma
1 Oregon
1 Rhode Island
1 Vermont
1 Virginia
1 Washington
Thanks to Andriy Bidochko for Map Builder.

Image by David Marc Fischer using Samsung cameraphone
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