One set of results is available: Those for Dan Radosh's search for a caption for an old photo that has mystified folks at the Sheboygan Press: a man sitting atop a felled horse in the middle of a sizable, largely deserted, village crossroads. And guess what? My caption didn't win, but it got an honorable mention!
The winner:
"My name is Damien Hirst, and I come from the future!"The finalists:
Pat Broderick
The great, great grandfather of Sentator John Kerry prepares to ride his faithful steed "Swifty" to victory.Honorable mention:
"I shall take this diseased horse to my factory and process it into a nutritious and delectable sausage. I — excuse me, my good sir! Keep your distance from this animal. I seen it first!"
Depicted here is the man who started it all, the great-great-great-grandfather of David Blaine.
"Lay still old girl, FEMA's on the way."
al in la
Even at the turn of the century, you could sell anything on Ebay.
In D. Pendent
Before Seabiscuit...there was ... Horspe!
Matt Matt
"This is the smallest and deadest merry go round I've ever seen!"
Mr. Lodge places his Ass upon a Horse, yet has little Hope of producing a Mule.
David [That's me!]
Preston rode into town on Wednesday, but buried his horse two days later on Sunday. When cheerfully puzzled samaritans ask how this could be, Preston always loves telling them, "Mind your own fuckin' business while I grieve for my dead horse."
David John
Even after inserting more than $2 worth of quarters, Russell had yet to experience the exhilaration he had felt on the helcopter in front of Wal-Mart.
Rusty Aldridge
"Suck on deez nuts, future extremists of PETA."
"I'm puttin' on my top hat
Sittin' on my dead horse
Waitin' for the mail."
David [Not me!]
Here is the current New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest breakdown by state. You can find it all mapped out here.
13 CaliforniaMap Introduction
10 New York (9 from the Big Apple)
7 New Jersey
6 Massachusetts
6 Pennsylvania
3 Georgia (includes two-time winner Carl Gables)
3 North Carolina
2 Connecticut (both women, both from New Haven)
2 District of Columbia
2 Illinois
2 Maryland (both women, neither named Mary)
2 Minnesota
2 New Hampshire
2 Texas
2 Utah
1 Arizona
1 Iowa
1 Mississippi
1 Missouri
1 New Mexico
1 Ohio
1 Oklahoma
1 Oregon
1 Rhode Island
1 Vermont
1 Virginia
1 Washington
Thanks to Andriy Bidochko for Map Builder.

Image by David Marc Fischer using Samsung cameraphone
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