Monday, September 10, 2007


Wahoo-wah! In Anti-Caption Contest 112 (cavemen inspecting giant gun), the winner is
"This may explain the enormous, dead hooker we saw yesterday."
but one of the two finalists is
"Yeah yeah, I get it -- the title 'Huge Bore' contains the critique, ha ha. But again it seems I'm the only one who'll come right out and say that Jeff Koons is just jerking off! Like the enormous sabertooth tiger with the big sad eyes and the balloon-twist tail. People still worship that thing. Literally! Remember Tina, my ex? Her cousin Leslie went off with this tribe, the Uggams, who literally worship the enormous Jeff Koons tiger, as their deity. Stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Koons, the early cave etchings had something to say, but this, this is bullshit."
B'nai tha K
and among the honorary mentions is
"First we wore caveman costumes to a formal wedding. Then we ate the cake that shrank us to the size of ants. And now here we are, seeking shelter from a live volcano. What else could possibly go wrong?"
by yours truly!

I had some losers, too:
"I think it says B-A-N-G!"

An Allegorickal Depiktion of the honorable Senator Lawrence Craig in the Stall of a Men's Washroom

"If we moved in, would we be gunmen?"
Two of those three make me laugh inside.

In Caption Contest 109 (airplane passenger sitting next to giant microbe), previous winner Colin Nissan made it as far as the first cut, but the winner is
"I hate connecting through Roswell."
James Montana (Arlington, VA)
So that's three for Virginia and, despite appearances, none for Montana.

In Caption Contest 111 (nearly nude man entering bare apartment) the nominees are
"On second thought, it's more of a sandals day."
David Wood (Marquette, MI)

"Forgot my underwear, shirt, suit, belt, tie, and watch."
Michael Sullivan (Cambridge, MA)

"If I don't wake up soon, I'll have some explaining to do tomorrow."
John Arntz (Sonoma, CA)
My loser:
"No matter what, dear, we've still got to be in it to win it."

Caption Contest 113 is here. Anti-Caption Contest 113 is here.


Here is the current New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest breakdown by state. You can find it all mapped out here.
19 California

16 New York (14 from the Big Apple)

9 New Jersey

6 Massachusetts
6 Pennsylvania

4 Connecticut (two from New Haven, two not)
4 Maryland (none named Mary)

3 Georgia (includes two-time winner Carl Gables)
3 Illinois
3 Minnesota (Minneapolis 2, St. Paul 1)
3 North Carolina
3 Ohio
3 Virginia

2 District of Columbia
2 Mississippi
2 Missouri
2 New Hampshire
2 Oregon (both named Eric, both from Portland)
2 Rhode Island
2 Texas
2 Utah
2 Vermont

1 Alabama
1 Arizona
1 Florida
1 Iowa
1 Kentucky
1 Nevada
1 New Mexico
1 Oklahoma
1 Washington
Map Introduction

Thanks to Andriy Bidochko for Map Builder. MyMaps at

Image by David Marc Fischer using Samsung cameraphone

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