"If I start to drink too much, just pull off my lips."This victory brings New York to within one point of front-runner California. Exciting!
Lynn Tudor does not have a caption among the nominees in Caption Contest 122 (P.C. Vey's judge doing dishes):
"Yeah, well, it got me through college and law school, and it'll get me through here, too."I don't think I have my loser verbatim at the moment, but I believe it went something like this:
William Manning (Wichita, KS)
"If the jury needs another day, they're using paper plates tomorrow."
Emily Anhalt (Guilford, CT)
"I wish they'd let us wear short-sleeved robes."
Dean Kahn (Bellingham, WA)
"That's the last time the jury gets its lunch from Masa."Please compare with Emily Anhalt's submission.
It was "The jury ordered lunch from Masa."
In Anti-Caption Contest 123 (Leo Cullum's bull by smashed window with red curtain), the winner is
"Remember how you said Frank Miller and Gary Larson would never collaborate?"My loser:
A Silly Mus Musculus
"If I've told you once, I've told you a million times: We'll leave the house and go back to the barn as soon as Farmer Jones and his family return from their trip, and no one will be the wiser...though of course there will now be questions about the window that you shattered in your typical, bull-headed way.
"Oh dear. Now that I think about it, I suppose it's curtains for us!"
Caption Contest 124 is here. Anti-Caption Contest 124 is here.
And the results of the Thanksgiving caption/anti-caption contests can be found here and here.
Here is the current New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest breakdown by state. You can find it all mapped out here.
20 CaliforniaMap Introduction
19 New York (17 from the Big Apple)
10 New Jersey
6 Massachusetts
6 Pennsylvania
5 Virginia (two from Richmond)
4 Connecticut (two from New Haven, two not)
4 Illinois (three from Chicago, one from Lake Bluff)
4 Maryland (none named Mary)
3 Georgia (includes two-time winner Carl Gables)
3 Minnesota (Minneapolis 2, St. Paul 1)
3 North Carolina
3 Ohio
3 Texas
2 District of Columbia
2 Mississippi
2 Missouri
2 New Hampshire
2 Oregon (both named Eric, both from Portland)
2 Rhode Island
2 Utah
2 Vermont
1 Alabama
1 Alaska
1 Arizona
1 Florida
1 Iowa
1 Kentucky
1 Michigan
1 Nevada
1 New Mexico
1 Oklahoma
1 Washington
Thanks to Andriy Bidochko for Map Builder.

Image by David Marc Fischer using Samsung cameraphone
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