Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The BAT Challenge: Choose the Veep! Results

Clearly bipartisan, Deborah is once again victorious in The BAT Challenge: Choose the Veep. As the only "competitor" in the contest up to John McCain's shocking announcement, she earned two points: one for best (in this case only) guesses, the other for attendance. This brings her total to 10, ties her with Scott, and earns her a photo credit that can be used in a Where Was I? of her own making, sooooooo...way to go, Deborah!
16 Debbie (Gold Medal and Attendance Award plus unredeemed Silver Medal and WWI? and Bronze Medal credits, plus February 2008 WWI? credit and a March 2008 redeemable point; includes two bonus points)
16 Gary (Silver Medal plus three unredeemed WWI? and one unredeemed Silver Medal credits)
16 Myra (includes Attendance Award)
10 Deborah (includes bonus point)
10 Scott (Two Gold Medals plus two unredeemed WWI? credits)
6 Ellen (includes bonus point)
3 David (Bronze Medal)
2 Daniela
2 Dolph (Bronze Medal)
1 bellj
1 Luke N. Atmaguchi (also has April 2008 redeemable point)
1 Myron
1 Trapezia
Debbie and Gary and Scott can still send in their own photos.


David said...

How about choose the replacement veep?

David Marc Fischer said...

Something to that effect was going to be in a separate post!

David said...

Don't I get a point for that? :-)

David Marc Fischer said...

How about a point "in spirit"?