WWW. From a sermon by Father J. H. of Chicago, 1949: "Not long ago I walked into a bar--I need not tell you which one--and watched a sporting match on a television set that had been installed there. There was a charge of undeniable excitement in the air but I could not help but squint through the haze of tobacco smoke at the crowd of drinking men, out of their homes and away from their families, and wonder whether I was seeing a vision of the future in which this wonder of modern science might become a vehicle for fostering vice rather than virtue. I do not mean to resurrect the specter of Prohibition. I am merely voicing my concern that unguarded souls may be in danger of falling victim to unhygienic and anti-social habits due to the reckless acceptance of television and other new inventions in our way of life."
WWW is a weekly series on Blog About Town. Here is
last week's installment.
Photo: David Marc Fischer
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