"You should be happy. How many husbands even notice window treatments?"That's up against
"Have you thought about mauve?"Not in the competition is my submission, which I think was pretty good:
Katy Tracy (Rochester, NY)
"You should see him on Valentine's Day."
Jennifer Just (Woodbridge, CT)
"If you think that's bad, you should see what he did in the china shop."
Winner-wise, top prize in Cartoon Contest 121 (Harry Bliss's funny-face assembly line) goes to
"Yeah, that one's funny, too. Next."Yes, you saw correctly: That's a first win for Delaware, beating out two nominees from New York and keeping the Empire State from tying California in the first-place position!
James Keegan (Milton, DE)
The winner of Anti-Caption Contest 124 (men crawling across a desert) is
"Kejo: You are overthinking this considerably and *still* being illogical. All the crawlers know that there is no water in the direction they have come. Therefore everyone, upon suddenly coming across a wave of parched crawlers coming the opposite direction, should realize that there is also no water in the direction they are going, and try crawling in a direction that no one is crawling from. Therefore they should make a left or a right turn, although it is impossible to determine which. (Making a 180 degree turn would just send them back where they came from, dooming them to certain death.) In my caption, I hypothesize that most of the crawlers are unable to generate this optimal survival strategy, addled as they are by thirst."To get it, I recommend you also check out the Finalists and the first Honorable Mention.
What's that you say? My losers??
"Check out that guy with the bleeping visor cap. I would call him a lucky so-and-so, but I wouldn’t want to offend anyone’s you-know-what sensibility!"That second one? It's funny in the way it refers to a famous...Roz Chast cartoon? (I've been having trouble finding it.)
"Reading the Sunday Times just isn’t the same online."
Caption Contest 125 is here. Anti-Caption Contest 125 is here.
In other cartoon-related news, Brian Parks has rated New Yorker rating cartoons by the issue for The Village Voice. Don't expect the kind of, um, deep analysis you find here.
Here is the current New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest breakdown by state. You can find it all mapped out here.
20 CaliforniaMap Introduction
19 New York (17 from the Big Apple)
10 New Jersey
6 Massachusetts
6 Pennsylvania
5 Virginia (two from Richmond)
4 Connecticut (two from New Haven, two not)
4 Illinois (three from Chicago, one from Lake Bluff)
4 Maryland (none named Mary)
3 Georgia (includes two-time winner Carl Gables)
3 Minnesota (Minneapolis 2, St. Paul 1)
3 North Carolina
3 Ohio
3 Texas
2 District of Columbia
2 Mississippi
2 Missouri
2 New Hampshire
2 Oregon (both named Eric, both from Portland)
2 Rhode Island
2 Utah
2 Vermont
1 Alabama
1 Alaska
1 Arizona
1 Delaware
1 Florida
1 Iowa
1 Kentucky
1 Michigan
1 Nevada
1 New Mexico
1 Oklahoma
1 Washington
Thanks to Andriy Bidochko for Map Builder.

Image by David Marc Fischer using Samsung cameraphone
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